Revolutionizing Software Development with AI: The Azets Journey

Teknologi | 01.10.2024

At Azets, we pride ourselves on being a dynamic, forward-thinking and embracing the future with open arms. In a world where the software development landscape is ever evolving, our ability to adapt and stay ahead of the curve is not just an advantage, it's a responsibility. We believe in the power of innovation to transform not only how we work but also how we deliver value to our clients and partners.  

As a cutting-edge software development team, we’re not satisfied with the status quo. We know that leveraging the latest technological advancements isn't just optional, it's imperative. In our pursuit of excellence, we’ve embraced AI-powered tools like GitHub Copilot, becoming early adopters with one clear goal: to empower our teams, enhance efficiency, and accelerate time-to-market.


The Copilot Transformation 

When we introduced Copilot into our workflows, we were curious about what it could bring to the table. Would it truly help our already high-performing teams go further? The answer became clear almost immediately.  

By cutting down on boilerplate code and automating the generation of tests, our teams' often repetitive but essential tasks, we saw something remarkable. Developers were liberated from the mundane and found themselves spending more time on what matters: crafting business logic, solving complex problems, and innovating in ways that pushed the boundaries of our capabilities. 

The impact on developer satisfaction was unmistakable. Freed from the tedious tasks that often bog down the creative process, our engineers felt energized, empowered, and more productive. It wasn’t just about saving time, it was about unlocking human potential, allowing our teams to do what they do best: create, innovate, and build the future.


Scaling Success Across the Organization 

Fast forward to today, and Copilot is integrated into our development culture. Across the entire software development organization, from frontend to backend, and even within our Infrastructure and Cloud engineering teams enabling us to make complex tasks like database queries to infrastructure-as-code, more efficient and streamlined.


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We’re not just seeing results; we’re quantifying them. The overall acceptance rate of suggested lines of code from Copilot sits at 16.78%. That means one-sixth of all AI-suggested code is actively used in production, effectively giving us nearly 17% more capacity to innovate and deliver value. In the languages most critical to our work, that figure climbs even higher, with efficiency gains of over 25% and 20% in our most used programming languages.


The Power of AI-Enhanced Development 

The numbers speak for themselves. By integrating Copilot, we've achieved a 20-25% overall efficiency boost, a significant leap that underscores how powerful AI-assisted development can be. But beyond the metrics, there’s something even more exciting happening: we're unlocking a new era of possibility at Azets, mainly for our customers.  

At Azets, we’re not just adopting AI; we’re shaping the future of how software is built. Our teams are more creative, more efficient, and more focused on driving meaningful impact.  

With Copilot, we’ve shown that when humans and AI work together, the potential is limitless.


A Call to Innovators Everywhere 

The journey doesn’t end here. As Copilot continues to evolve, so will we. We’re committed to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in software development, and we invite the world’s innovators, creators, and dreamers to join us on this journey. Together, we can redefine what it means to build in the digital age. This is more than just an efficiency gain. This is a revolution. And at Azets, we’re proud to be leading the charge.


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