Establish business in Sweden

Establish business in Sweden

Azets is the leading provider of accounting and payroll services in the Nordics. We can help your business with how to organize and register it in Sweden. There are different solutions based on presence, organization and type of business.

We are experts in international entrepreneurship in Sweden

Our consultants are experts in international entrepreneurship in Sweden and the Nordic countries. At Azets we have the capacity to run everything in a company’s finance department, or parts of it. We can help you with everything from registering your company to filing your VAT reports. 

establish business in sweden - azets service



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Contact our experts

Our advisory team at Azets will provide both high level expert advice and guide you when registering your business in Sweden. We will provide legal services, tax services, HR services and other advisory services related to your business activities in Sweden.

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Everything you need to know about starting a business in Sweden

Starting a business in Sweden doesn’t have to be difficult. We have gathered everything you need to know in this guide.

Download the guide here


VAT accounting services

Are you a foreign entrepreneur operating in Sweden? Then you need to be registered for VAT with the Swedish Tax Agency. Choose Azets as your declaration agent.

read more about VAT services


People at office

Permanent establishment risk check

When a company has business operations in Sweden it must be determined whether or not it has a permanent establishment. Having a permanent establishment incurs higher social security contributions, payroll tax, and the obligation to pay income tax. Sometimes companies are also obliged to register branches or companies that will require accounts to be filed and the preparation of annual accounts or annual reports. 

Learn more