Azets interim - consulting profiles

Azets interim - consulting profiles

Consulting profiles

When you hire an interim consultant from us, we guarantee high quality work. Azets’ consultants can help you in accounting, payroll administration, and HR. You can choose whether you need help for only a few days a month or if you want a complete solution. We help you find the optimal solution for your business based on your needs. Below are examples of our consulting profiles. We also have access to more profiles, feel free to contact us for more information.

CFO / Senior Controller

Many years of experience as CFO and Controller, many of which in manufacturing companies and construction and civil engineering companies.


Accounting expert

Extensive experience of working as an accounting expert and Finance Manager/Accounting Manager and Controller.


Finance Manager / Controller

Authorised public accountant with 14 years’ experience with the Big Four. Experience in roles including CFO, Finance Manager, and Controller.


HR Manager / Senior HR advisor 

Extensive experience of negotiation work as well as employer representative and in customer collaborations with a focus on change and disputes.



HR consultant

HR consultant with broad experience in administration in both payroll and personnel.


Payroll consultant

Six years of broad experience of payroll within international and Swedish companies.

Interim konsult

Payroll consultant

Four years broad experience of payroll within several different collective agreements.


Interim konsult

How the process works

kontakt hyra interim konsult redovisning lön hr

1. Get in touch with us and tell us about your staffing requirements
konsult interim redovisning lön hr

2. We find employees who match these requirements
kontakt interimskonsult redovisning lön hr

3. You are given the opportunity to meet the employee if you so wish

kontakt interimskonsult redovisning lön hr

4. The collaboration agreement is signed and the consultant starts working for you

interimskonsult redovisning lön hr stockholm göteborg malmö

5. You have ongoing dialogue with the relevant manager at Azets

Contact us

Fill in the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible, or call us on +46 10 457 50 16

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